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We Rescue The Men From The U. S. S. Squalus, by Lt. Comdr. C. W. Shilling (MC) USN

Shilling Narrative, Page 14

There was a hasty conference on the FALCON. The preventer wire leading from the FALCON to the top of the bell was a powerful one -- supposed to be stronger than the downhaul wire. Perhaps a little pull on that would release the jam so that they could come up on the brake. It was worth a try. The word was passed to the bell to release the brake. McCann gave the word to the winch operator, "Take her up a little bit. Slowly now. Easy does it.” Nothing happened. McCann gave a hurried call, "Hold it. Vast heaving.”

The officers on the FALCON faced one another with grave anxiety, There was no question that the downhaul wire was hopelessly jammed; outside help was absolutely essential. The bell was held securely by the wire attached to the SQUALUS. There was only one thing to do. McCann gave the order and outlined the course of action. "Lower the Chamber to the bottom. Send down a diver to unshackle or cut the downhaul wire." Then possibly the bell could be hauled up to the surface by the preventer wire which connected the bell to the winches on the FALCON.

The bell operators were told to flood the main ballast, and as soon as they reported, "Main ballast flooded", McCann told them, "Very well. We're going to lower you to the bottom. Will send down a diver to cut the downhaul wire." The capstan turned slowly and the chamber once more went down to the bottom -- this time not to be sealed onto the submarine, but to sink into the mud. What a predicament! Dark night and a diver must go down and cut a wire at such a depth with no light other than the torch he would carry with him.

Both McDonald and Mihalowski knew the gravity of the situation, but they bravely kept up a line of chatter to cheer the survivors. It was heartening to hear them over the phone as they talked about how happy they were to be in where it was nice and snug and light rather than out there with whoever was going to do the diving to cut the wire. "Boy, he can have that job.", said McDonald. They even talked about how they wanted their steak done when they got topside. But in spite of this attempt at cheerfulness, before long they were all quiet again and sat in the silence waiting, waiting, waiting. This time to find out whether the diver could actually get down and find the downhaul wire to cut it.


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